Tuesday, May 17, 2011

theme parks ive been to..

first theme park ive ever been was movie world gold coast.. pretty funny huh im from indonesia and im actually never go to dufan :p i think that it wasnt very save theme park whatsoever.. ive heard couples of news that they got an accident when play on the rides.. scooby doo indoor roller coaster is a MUST to RIDE

second seaworld goldcoast. this is none like seaworld on indonesia. (in indo they only have lots of marine animal). they got many rides just like any other theme parks.. roller coaster and others :D the dolphin show was also awesome.

third genting highland themepark - malaysia. they have indoor and outdoor theme park. but ive been pretty tired that time from movie world. so im only play indoor. they got mini coaster, merry go around, etc

forth sentosa. back then there wasnt universal studios so theres only couple of attraction.. i play the luge ride it was fun! it was like a toboggan but with wheel.. it was a ride down the hill. after you got to the bottom, you will be take by a kind of cable car but this its an open long bench.

fifth oceanpark hongkong. i went to hongkong last year and it was summer. i swear to you guys it was damn HOT. The park was actually soo large. it has 2 part. one in the top of the hill and in the bottom of the hill. they allocate 2 transportation, cable car and a kind of mrt. You can imagine how hard it is to go to one attraction to another attraction. you can also see many panda bears (which is soo cute <3) and red pandas. it got beautiful collection of koi..
i suggest you to wear sunglasses, put on some sunscreen lotion, and better dont go there when its summer. it just exhausting.. but you can see thrilling scenery of hongkong at the top of the hill area..

sixth disneyland hongkong! im just so happy to be here.. being in disneyland is every children dreams (even i was 14 at that time :p). It wasnt a big park. and the land was flat. not like ocean park. for coaster lover this park is not recommend.. it only has 1 indoor rollercoaster.. but i love that rollercoaster. i rode that ride twice :) best attraction of all of them. also, dont miss the golden mickey mouse show (i think it was the name) and the firework in the night was spectacular love it <3

and now i planned to go to universal studios singapore on 27 may. would love to write down my experience there later! :D