and the only english extras that this school hav is english debate. so im sign up for that.
so far ive been attended 3 training session which was enjoyable and fun. because i felt like i found a bunch of people that understand english like i do. i felt like i found my equal opponent. :D
which is on tuesday. we just gathered in a big amount of new people. we generally do nothing in that day. just listening to the coach n senior. the coach was telling us that he will bully us, destroy us, and making our lives miserable and stuff like that. so debaters need strong mentality. and i was happy to when the coach asked me (and the other) about our hopes in the debate club, he said my english was nice. he said i hav casual english. hehe
with less people gathered, we play 30 second splattered. we take 2 words randomly. we need to say anything about the word each in 30 sec. after that we will b give another 30 sec to combine those 2 words together. i got television n rabbit. so i talked that we can watch rabbit documentary in a tv. some othr people got punch and funny. but my friend get souffle and hair (?) how hilarious the game is.. :D the senior who leaded my group said 'nice' after my performance.
with lesser people gathered, now we started to know basic thing ab debate. when you are in debate, ur opponent may give u interruption, by saying on your point please (or something like that.. i forget :p). based by interruption, we play just a minute. the senior give us 1word that we need to xplain. the opponent may give interruption if, we hesitate, repeat words, and deviate from the topic. if opponent's interruption was right, the opponent may take the word and xplain about it. who xplain the word when the 1min ends, take the point. when it was my turn, the senior said 'here come the tough one' im flattered by that. and i got 'car' word. but i cant manage the word. in the end of my last sentence, i got a hesitation. damn. and our team gets a tie..
you may think that im become so arrogant because all the compliments. but its not that way. its just makes me feel more accepted. i felt like im very enjoying debate class. but i think i will quit from this club. not because the coach will bully me, will crush me. but i felt like 2pm-4pm is very exhausting. and as a freshman i think it will interrupt my school time. im afraid i cant keeping up my school... i feel so disappoint cos i cant join debate. but the 3 days training felt so fun. and im feeling so appreciated too. well.. maybe next year? who knows ;)
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