Im not trying to exaggerated the placement test but it was so hard.
we started at 8 am , friday 19th. The students divided into 2 class. Class one did their general ability first while we had a short briefing about the scholarships. After the briefing its my turn to do general ability test. Its a kind of physiologic test. There was many picture and a blank picture in the end of each number. you need to pick one of five answers (pictures) that you think correct.
After that, we did math test all together. from 33 numbers i can only did.. +- 12numbers LOL. *ashamed*
Next was lunch break, after that english test. i felt more confident on this one. but however, there was many un-recognize vocab..
and im stuck like a mouse on a trap when i did composiition.
im just hoping that my test result are good enough to make me the short list.. :/
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