couple of my friend who have dslr camera brought it to the safari trip. and lisa, my friend who had one brought it but didnt really use it / interested in it. so im ended up by using it n taking some pics. and it changed my point of view....
from what i know, taking pics is just targeting the object n then CLICK. pretty much thats all. but with dslr i found taking pics is something fun. i need to play with the focus, rotate the lens to zooming, arrange the ISO, and so much more. taking pictures is not just TAKING PICTURE.
so back home, i started to browsing about dslr cameras and ended up by Canon EOS 550D. its a new-entry (noob's) camera. and it also have a great reviews from the users. its soooo cool, 17.9 megapix, full HD video recording, and more. and its actually not soo expensive for these great specs. now its kinda Rp 6.500.000,oo or MAYBE less than USD600 (?) with the lens (kit 1)
im just hoping that my enthusiasm to this photography stuff are warm-welcomed by my parents. cos this hobby is not cheap
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