being miles away (my home n malang is in diffrent island!) from family is something hard for me at first.. i was planned to stayed @ dorm at the beginning. but just within 2 nights, i get so stressed out and finally i got sick pree bad. caught a fever, stomach gastric acid problem, and i didnt have any appetite. so im absent from school like 4 days (which is orientation time).
orientation here in Indo is diffrnt frm schools in "america". in this time the senior will FORCE the freshman to wear silly costume, wear diffrnt pair of shoes (your left n right shoe must be diffrnt), and blah blah i felt pretty lucky not to do the orientation time. eventhough im bit disappointed why i couldnt joined the fun :(
time flies sooo fast and now its already december. im on my final semester exam now for 6 days... and in the end of the month its dempo fair (a big fair and also alumnus reunion) and after that.... HOLIDAY n then started the second semester. omg i how come its so fast..
i just love my class mates sooo much so that i dont want we're to seperate haha
just fyi,, senior year in here has a system. on the year 10 we are doing all kind of subject. but when its on year 11 and 12, the class will be divided into 3 mainstreams.
1. science (well.. you study chemist, physic, biology and stuff)
2. social (economy, accounts, geography, sociology)
3. language literature (they studies 5 freaking languages!! japanese, arabic, indonesia, mandarin, english)
well, at first it was hard to living on my own, but after all of these time. i enjoyed it a lot. my school is great, my friend is superb! muchmuch <3 :D
just a couple shots to emphasized the lovely moment i had
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