Saturday, September 8, 2012


its been decades since i wrote my last post i think.. hahaha and many thing has changed.
now im on year 2 high school student :D

so these are quick look from everything i do / happen lately:

1. yesterday i braid my hair n fell asleep. in the next day my hair looks like this

taylor swift KW super O:)
it results wavy hair.. idk how come it can looks like bit brunette on the side. i dont even color my hair :/ but looks pretty good ;D

2. i start my crochet project again. this time its terriermon. still working on this btw.. gonna tell u when its finish :)
im trying to resemble a digimon named terriermon. still on working process. ..

3. i just did my nail!! this time i only do my middle finger (no special "intention" on picking mdl finger whatsoever :p haha) cos next monday is school and we're not allowed to colors our nail.. :(

dark blue - rubi "blue suede shoes" | light blue - "OPI" | the ring belongs to bebek ;p

4. it was late at night (around 2 am) and it was eid mubarak holiday. i made this shot to cheer somebody up.. :)

5.  now im on year 2 so it means new class, friends, and stuffs. at first im stressed to be placed at this class but now i love this class <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">

from right to left : robert - michael - chily - me

6. last 17 august we celebrate indonesia's independence day and our school conducted graffiti competition.. at the back is our graffiti result... and this is some of my class

pree good right??

7. last holiday i went to singapore and i went to universal studios. conquered the battlestar galactica human sides. ride that 3 times ALONE. hahaha

with king julien :)


shenlihartono said...

1. Kaya abis dari salon :D
2. uda kelar ? wait, lemme check you photos on FB...:)
3. why choose midfinger? you're a naughty girl! lol

LΛW said...

1. ;D
2. not yet.. still on progress. its been a busy wk hehe
3. gada alasan apa2.. entah kenapa jari tengah aja hahaha