Thursday, September 13, 2012

the definition of forever

today i have a random thought.

how long is forever?

idk why this thing come to my mind.
eventhough i clearly understand if  there's hellos , then there's must be goodbyes, i certainly i hate the idea of goodbyes.
the first thing come up to my mind about goodbye is.. it means to be separated physically or mentally with someone.
someone who give us bunch of memories..
someone who we're already comfortable settle with..
someone who is home for our soul..
or simply means someone who we love.

and i have a conclusion that...

“Nothing lasts forever. Forever is a lie. All we have is what’s between hello and goodbye.”
live your life. feel blessed with what you have. never lie to your heart. it always speaks what you really needs. dont regret things in the future.



shenlihartono said...

"Hello" and "Goodbye" are like the two sides of the same coin :-)

shenlihartono said...

err... itu paragraf terakhir ambil dari Cafe Forever nya si sky yah?