i admit that this story is cliche and sooo cheeessyy. the idea of the story just popped on my head :/
SOOO, here it goes. happy reading :)
Once upon a time there was a candy kingdom. it was a prosperous kingdom. They are ruled by a wise cotton candy king and loving cotton candy queen. They had only daughter named Lolapalooza. She was very pretty. Her skin was as soft as silk and she had pinkish skin. But, young Lolapalooza was always kept inside the castle. She never saw life outside the castle
One day, it was her 16th birthday. She asked her parents to allow her to go outside the kingdom. She pleaded and cried to them. Reluctantly, the king and the the queen allowed her. So she went outside happily. Once she got out, she was really surprised. The people were so kind and nice to her. It made her forgot about the time she spent outside. Because the day was getting dark, Lolapalooza was in hurry. She ran and tripped on a rocky road. She was in pain and out of nowhere someone came and helped her. He walked her home and he was a very caring young man. They got their eyes on each other and they fell in love.
Since that day, Lolapalooza sneaked out of the castle whenever she could. The two lovebirds spent their day together. Sometimes they went to the park, sometimes they went to the beach. Even though everything seemed so perfect, her parents eventually found out. Her parents disagreed the relationship they had and forbade her to go outside the castle. Lolapalooza’s heart broke into pieces. She never went out of her room and kept crying. One night, she sneaked outside and ran away up to the sky because there, she can looked her lover peacefully.
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